If you've heard the fetal heart in the hospital before, try to recall the approximate location where the doctor placed the probe during your last checkup. Apply coupling gel to the probe face and use the fetal heart monitor in that area. If you can't find it, move to nearby locations.
If you can't find the fetal heart based on the doctor's guidance, you can refer to the fetal heart monitor's manual, which typically provides information on the approximate fetal heart position for different gestational weeks. The fetal heart position generally follows these guidelines:
Before 6 months (24 weeks), the fetal heart monitor is typically positioned around the midline just below the navel or on both sides. As the fetus grows between 6-8 months, the fetal heart position may shift upward.
Fetal movements usually involve the baby's limbs, so if you feel frequent movements on the right side, the fetal heart is often on the left side, and vice versa.
The fetal heart sound is conducted between the baby's shoulder blades, so the clearest fetal heart sounds are typically heard on the abdominal wall close to the upper back of the fetus. The position of the baby's head or buttocks can also affect the fetal heart position. In a head-down position, the fetal heart is typically on the left or right side just below the navel, while in a breech position, it is often on the left or right side above the navel.
Additionally, the fetal position in the uterus can change, so the fetal heart position may not remain static. If fetal movements or other factors disrupt or make the fetal heart signal unstable, please use the above methods to locate the fetal heart position again.
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